bedo pedido
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

المواضيع الأخيرة
» Health is wealth
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت مايو 16, 2020 6:51 am من طرف Admin

» اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني الثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالثلاثاء نوفمبر 22, 2011 2:54 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة فيزياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 21, 2011 3:41 am من طرف Admin

» احياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن الشربيني
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 21, 2011 3:37 am من طرف Admin

» مراحعة انجليزي 2 ث
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 2:17 am من طرف Admin

» ليلة الامتحان في انجليزي اولى ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 2:02 am من طرف Admin

» مراجعة مستر فاروق لانجليزي تانيه ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:56 am من طرف Admin

» اخياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:23 am من طرف Admin

» اخياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:23 am من طرف Admin

» اضغط الرابط وحمل الباب الاول ف الكيمياء تانيه ث هدية م/ابوملك
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 14, 2011 12:48 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة الفيزياء ل الصف الثانى الثانوى الأزهرى
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد نوفمبر 13, 2011 11:49 pm من طرف Admin

» قواعــــــــــــــــــد اللغة الانجليزية من الالف الي الياء
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 10, 2011 3:51 am من طرف Admin

» رابط راائع لانجليزي اولى ثانوي ا/سيد عيد
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 11:53 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة انجليزي ا ث هدية العيد من مستر سيد
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 11:30 am من طرف Admin

» مراجعة اول 5 وحدات لاولى ثانوي انجليزي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 10:38 am من طرف Admin

» الترم الأول كاملاً.....اهداء لكل الزملاء للطباعة فوراً ksecondary one by mr.AbdalRaz
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 04, 2011 6:26 pm من طرف Admin

» تحميل مجاني وسريع لالبوم عمرو دياب الجديد
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 29, 2011 6:54 pm من طرف monna

» اسئلة الباب التاني ف الكيمياء تانية ث مع تحيات د عاطف خليفة
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:56 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرات لاحياء اولى ثانوي هدية من مستر ايمن
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:20 am من طرف Admin

» دليل الاذكياء في الكيمياء لمستر محمد طنطاوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:00 am من طرف Admin

» كتاب الماسي ف كيمياء تانية ث
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:58 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرة البيروني في الكيمياء لتانيه ث مع تحيات مستر عبدالله
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:52 am من طرف Admin

» شرح الأبواب من الأول إلى الثامن + الأسئلة في مادة الكيمياء تانيه ث
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:51 am من طرف Admin

» دي بقى ملازم خلاصة الكيمياء
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:48 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرة روعة ف الكيمياء
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 7:27 pm من طرف Admin

» اسطوانة كيمياء متكاملة لطلبة الثانوية العامة
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 7:02 pm من طرف Admin

» [b]اهم اسئلة علي بنية الذرة شاملة كيمياء تانيه ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 6:55 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الثاني كيميا ثانوية عامة فيديو/مفاجآت مستر محمود سلامة
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 6:49 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة الأيام للصف الثالث الثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:46 am من طرف Admin

» موقع تعليم مجاني للفات والكمبيوتر
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:24 am من طرف Admin

» موقع لقصص تعليمية باللغة الانجليزية
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:19 am من طرف Admin

» 7 مذكرات خلاصة النحو للثانوية العامة
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:18 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرات لسادسه ابتدائي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 5:02 pm من طرف Admin

» منهج دراسات سادسه ابتدائي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:48 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة دراسات لمستر عوض للصف السادس
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:39 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة للصف الثالث الاعدادي من مستر علاء
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:29 pm من طرف Admin

» مجموعة مراجعات نهائية لتانيه ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 5:06 am من طرف Admin

» روابط مراجعة لغة انجليزيه لتانيه ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت أغسطس 13, 2011 11:19 pm من طرف Admin

» روابط مراجعة لغة انجليزيه لتانيه ثانوي
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت أغسطس 13, 2011 7:16 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة مسيو مدحت رمضان ف اللغة الفرنسيه
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 5:57 pm من طرف Admin

» ملزمتي الخاصة من غير علامة مائية مسيو ياسر نجيب
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 5:15 pm من طرف Admin

» هدية من مستر عبدالله الشربيني لكل محبي اللغات
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:51 pm من طرف Admin

» مجموعة من مذكرات اللغة الانجليزية للصف الالول الثانوي اهداء مستر عبدالله الشربيني
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:48 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة تالته اعدادي ف اللغة الانجليزيه هديه للدكتوره أماني
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:45 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الاول ف الكيمياء لتانيه ثانوي من مذكرة المعمل
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:23 pm من طرف Admin

» 7 مذكرات انجليزي خرافه+ مذكرة قصه هدية لطلبة تالته ثانوي من مستر عبدالله
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 11, 2011 6:11 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الاول في الكيمياء لتانيه ثانوي من مذكرة البيروني الرائعه
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس أغسطس 11, 2011 6:06 pm من طرف Admin

» موقع هام لكل معلمي اللغة الانجليزية
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالسبت يوليو 23, 2011 1:46 pm من طرف Admin

» الموقع الوحيد لتنسيق الجامعات للثانوية العامه2011
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالخميس يوليو 21, 2011 9:41 pm من طرف Admin

» نتيجة امتحان الثانوية العامه 2011
كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Emptyالجمعة يوليو 15, 2011 12:40 pm من طرف Admin

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كل الاختياري الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة

اذهب الى الأسفل

كل الاختياري  الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة Empty كل الاختياري الخاص بالورك بوك وكتاب المدرسة مع الاجابة

مُساهمة  ???? الجمعة يونيو 17, 2011 3:25 am

1- (All Workbook MCQ)Choose the correct answer:- أولا جميع أسئلة الاختيار بالورك بوك:
1- I find it very difficult to.........decision quickly.
a) do b) get c) make d) come
2- Scientists are still.........into making cars safer.
a) doing b) researching c) retiring d) trying
3- .........I was out shopping; I saw three of my friends from school.
a) Because b) While c) If d) Although
4- My uncle does not big cities.
a) drive b) to drive c) driven d) driving
5- All my sisters are married, but my brother is still.........
a) one b) single c) alone d) free
6- It is not kind of people because of the way they speak.
a) make b) do c) have d) laugh
7- You have to study for a long time…… want to train to be a doctor.
a) while b) but c) although d) if
8- Have you ever.........a famous person?
a) meet b) met c) meeting d) meets
9- While I.........home, I saw some of my friends.
a) am walking b) was walking c) had walked d) walk
10- The people of Lilliput...............Gulliver to the ground so that he couldn't escape.
a) put b) fell c) tied d) made
11-Football and hockey are...............sports.
a) team b) group c) individual d) pack
12-I want to when I finish university.
a) an b) a c) the d) any
13-I'm hoping to study university.
a) literature b) books c) novel d) writers
14- My brother is quite a/an.........person. He always thinks the worst is going to happen.
a) pessimistic b) happy c) optimistic d) cruel
15-Next Saturday I’m aunt.
a) for visit b) visit c) to visit d) visiting
16-People who........from shops should be punished.
a) find b) borrow c) capture d) steal
17-The north of Egypt is on.........Mediterranean Sea.
a) a b) an c) the d) its
18- There's a history programme on TV tonight. I think
a) are enjoying b) enjoy c) will enjoy d) are going to enjoy
19-I think it's absolutely......that people climb mountains without oxygen.
a) surprising b) tiring c) unusual d) amazing
20- Ahmed is at the station.........he's meeting his grandfather.
a) who b) which c) where d) when
21- The first person......... spoke English to me was my uncle.
a) which b) that c) he d) to been watching the football on television this week?
a) Had b) Has c) Are d) Have
23-I've my brother on the phone.
a) spoken b) spoke c) speak d) speaking

24- When he was five years old, my all the children's TV programmes.
a) use b) uses c) used d) used to
25- Where did you use to play when you were a/an..............?
a) toddler b) adult c) parent d) leader
26-Some countries have......with each other for thousands of years.
a) sold b) bought c) traded d) business
27-International corporations.........workers in many different countries.
a) buy b) employ c) distribute d) take
28- My cousin hopes to the next Olympic Games.
a) place b) care c) off d) part
29- International sport can.........individuals and their countries.
a) afford b) admire c) benefit d) distribute
30- Make …………… you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
a) up b) sure c) do d) like
31- Lisa, my class at school, is very good at English.
a) who b) who's c) whose d) that
32-Rice is the main.........of tonight's dish.
a) food b) crops c) fruit d) ingredient
33- Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped for lunch, he....17 phone calls.
a) had made b) made c) has made d) had been making
34- That's the phone I borrowed when I lost mine.
a) whose b) who's c) which d) who
35- How long.........before your train arrived?
a) had you wait b) had you been waiting c) have you been waiting d) have you waited
36-We all went.........when our ship came to port.
a) aboard b) abroad c) ashore d) ahead
37- Children sometimes hurt.........when they are playing.
a) them b) themselves c) himself d) ourselves
38-They're building hundreds of new houses on the.........of the city.
a) outskirts b) centre c) roads d) blocks
39- My friend lives in a flat which……...the market. It's always very noisy.
a) sees b) watches c) overlooks d) looks
40- inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late.
a) sorry b) regret c) disappointed d) apologize to become a children's doctor.
a) want b) announcement c) ambition d) purpose
42- He was naughty as a child, but now much better.
a) behave b) behaviour c) behaving d) behaved
43- While waiting for the train to leave, the each other.
a) said b) told c) chatted d) conversation
44- He writes great poems. He's my favourite.........
a) poet b) sound c) stress d) singer
45- If the train.........down, I wouldn't have been late.
a) didn't break b) doesn't break c) hadn't broken d) won't break
46-The stones they used to build Stonehenge......brought from Wales.
a) were b) was c) is d) are
47-If you had put the water in the freezer, it.........into ice.
a) turned b) turns c) would turn d) would have turned
48- It is believed that the Temple of Edfu the year 237 BC.
a) start b) starts c) starting d) started

49-The.........took the injured man into the emergency room.
a) paramedics b) engineers c) patients d) directors
50- The company my father works for has a.........of 250 people.
a) group b) staff c) crew d) population
51-That man should has nothing to do with him.
a) disagreeing b) saying c) interfering d) discussing
52- Crichton.........some fantastic books.
a) produced b) acted c) wrote d) built
53- We would all be healthier if cars were.........from city centres.
a) stopped b) banned c) driven d) refused
54- We warming if we used more energy from the sun.
a) save b) reduce c) help d) make
55-If they want to book a flight to London; they… do it soon.Flights to London are very busy.
a) must b) could c) need d) would
56- It's difficult to get into a good university. really hard.
a) need b) should c) can d) must
57- The information you are looking for can.........on the internet.
a) find b) be found c) be find d) found
58- At school, we to revise for our exams.
a) being taught b) teaching c) been taught d) been teaching
59-I wonder if I.........your camera this afternoon?
a) borrows b) borrow c) could borrow d) would borrow
60-My father has just bought a camera.........
a) by internet b) by website c) online d) on computer
61-I' a doctor than a dentist.
a) rather b) prefer c) want d) like
62- I have a very important decision week.
a) make b) have c) come d) do
63-In the evening, I like.........the internet.
a) surfing b) travelling c) going d) running
64- Scientists are doing.........into new kinds of energy.
a) study b) research c) work d) experiment
65- .........people live with their families before they are married.
a) Single b) Individual c) Alone d) Professional
66- Application forms often ask people about their.........status.
a) married b) waiting c) marital d) famous
67-My father works very hard, and he.........working even when he doesn't feel well.
a) gets on b) goes back c) gets up d) goes on
68- Surgeons.........operations to help people get better.
a) do b) make c) take d) bring
69- Professor Magdi Yacoub is famous heart.....................surgeon.
a) change b) move c) transport d) transplant
70-Mother Teresa really.................. a difference to people's lives.
a) making b) made c) did d) does
71-It's OK to……...mistakes when we are learning something for the first time.
a) do b) have c) take d) make
72- My father is a.........he works in politics.
a) diplomat b) politician c) surgeon d) pilot
73- Can you give me an.........for being late to class today?
a) example b) imagination c) explanation d) invitation

74- ......I studied as hard as I could; I only scored 70% on my exam.
a) Although b) If c) Because d) However
75-It' think that horses can fly!
a) famous b) ridiculous c) available d) traditional
76-It isn't very polite to make..................of people.
a) laugh b) joke c) funny d) fun
77-If you are a policeman; you have to wear a special.........
a) shirt b) dress c) uniform d) trousers
78- In most shops, you can pay by.........cheque or credit card.
a) cash b) money c) debit d) coin
79-Squash is
a) a team b) a single c) an individual d) a personal
80-To be successful, the members of a sports team must.........with each other.
a) cooperate b) leave c) pass d) prove
81-They have just......................a good decision.
a) done b) made c) found d) brought
82-He's very.........he always thinks the worst is going to happen.
a) sensible b) happy c) pessimistic d) intelligent
83- Shakespeare and Dickens are two of the most famous names in English.........
a) music b) books c) writers d) literature
84-My brother's.........ambition is to climb Mount Everest.
a) lifelong b) life c) long d) wrong
85- While I was doing the shopping, of my teachers.
a) was meeting b) met c) have met d) am meeting
86-I could sleep anywhere..................I was extremely tired.
a) while b) although c) because d) however
87- As soon as I got to the station, I realized that train.
a) had missed b) missed c) have missed d) miss
88- of Lord of the Flies is William Gelding.
a) An b)A c) The d) No article
89-Europe is not as large.........Asia.
a) as b) than c) to d) so
90-Next Monday, brother for lunch. We've already booked the restaurant.
a) meet b) met c) will meet d) am meeting
91-Go and see that film. I'm sure
a) will enjoy b) enjoy c) are going to enjoy d) are enjoying
92- We went to Italy by sea. Our.........took two days.
a) flight b) drive c) crew d) voyage
93-It's quite safe to swim here. The water's not very.........
a) deep b) high c) tall d) long
94- The.........of the mountain is always covered in snow.
a) head b) bottom c) summit d) height
95- My father's company.........people from many different countries.
a) plays b) works c) keeps d) employs
96- I'm afraid we can't.........a holiday this year.
a) buy b) pay c) afford d) earn
97-There are many………… in the museum. Some are 1.000 years old.
a) valuable b) cheap c) rich d) high
98-I'd love to take…………… the Olympic Games, but I'll never be good enough.
a) place b) care c) turn d) part

99- The....................of the year for my family was my sister's wedding.
a) height b) highlight c) benefit d) worst
100- Have you ever.......................a dangerous spider?
a) see b) saw c) seen d) seeing
101- I was so tired that I fell asleep.........I was doing my homework.
a) while b) because c) if d) but
102- That was one of.........books I've ever read.
a) best b) the best c) better d) good
103- I expect it.........sunny and warm tomorrow.
a) will be b) is being c) is d) is going to be
104- A supermarket is large can buy many different things.
a) who b) what c) which d) where
105- In the past, many pay for things in cash.
a) use b) uses c) using d) used
106- The first person.........I spoke to this morning was my sister.
a) which b) that c) what d) when
107- Where.........your brother use to live?
a) does b) do c) did d) doing
108- People who have no goals are.........successful.
a) ever b) always c) often d) seldom
109- Most people are.....If they find something, they give it back to the owner.
a) honest b) nice c) kind d) intelligent
110- John doesn't get paid for playing football. He's.........
a) a professional b) a player c) an amateur d) a career
111- I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what the.........are?
a) goods b) ingredients c) crops d) foods
112- If you need more........., eat more meat, fish and eggs.
a) sugar b) fat c) protein d) carbohydrate
113- In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is catch the white whale.
a) determined b) sure c) serious d) primitive
114- When the boat sank, the.........were saved by a passing ship.
a) staff b) group c) crew d) employees
115- My sister and her husband live on the.........of the town.
a) top b) outskirts c) side d) outside
116- The people......have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.
a) which b) who c) what d) where
117- going when I saw you in town yesterday?
a) were b) did c) had d) was
118- The Nile is.........river in the world.
a) longest b) long c) the longest d) longer
119- Those are the has been stolen.
a) who b) whose c) which d) who's
120- Amr has to go to hospital because he hurt......while playing football.
a) herself b) him c) his d) himself
121- We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film.........
a) has started b) had started c) is starting d) starts
122- In my opinion, it's warmer was this morning.
a) as b) so c) than d) that
123- My clothes were dirty because I.........the car all morning.
a) had been repairing b) had repaired c) repaired d) am repairing

124- Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have.........roofs.
a) straight b) sloping c) flat d) long
125- If you want to keep fit, go running. It's a very good form of.........
a) exercise b) practice c) food d) work
126- My friend's father is the.........of our local newspaper.
a) politician b) diplomat c) man d) editor
127- This CD was a.........It cost less than two pounds.
a) cheap b) bargain c) credit d) value for money
128- Our cat has.........we haven't seen him for a week.
a) missed b) come c) gone missing d) abandoned
129- inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their train will be 20 minutes late.
a) suggest b) announce c) refuse d) regret
130- There is no airport on the island, so boats …… and other goods.
a) sail b) supply c) give d) carry
131- to be a journalist for an international news magazine.
a) ambition b) hero c) idea d) announcement
132- As soon as I met him, I knew I.........him somewhere before.
a) had seen b) saw c) have seen d) see
133- I didn't realize it was late.........I was concentrating so hard on what I was doing.
a) if b) and c) because d) but
134- brother's car all morning and he says it's still dirty.
a) have cleaned b) clean c) am cleaning d) have been cleaning
135- Many Egypt.
a) made b) are made c) is made d) make
136- If it were cold in the evening, you.........warm clothes.
a) will need b) needed c) would need d) would have needed
137- I'm not very good.........remembering people's names.
a) in b) at c) with d) on
138- The Colossus of Rhodes was earthquake.
a) from b) to c) by d) at
139- It.........that people have lived here for centuries.
a) know b) known c) is known d) has known
140- A shop in our city was fire last night.
a) hurt b) injured c) destroyed d) flooded
141- I can really.........this book. I couldn't put it down.
a) recommend b) build c) admire d) wish
142- I hope I.........the maths test at school tomorrow.
a) pass b) succeed c) win d) do well
143- Last year, we visited the......of an ancient settlement in the desert.
a) place b) view c) area d) site
144- If you pour hot water onto ice, it.........
a) runs b) melts c) floods d) freezes
145- You can't enjoy your holiday if you don't have good.........
a) hotel b) room c) accommodation d) stay
146- My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the............
a) sea b) edge c) ocean d) coast
147- When I was a child, I remember reading a/an.....tale about a lazy student.
a) dangerous b) warning c) advising d) cautionary
148- Banks are can keep your money safe.
a) which b) where c) that d) when

149- Before the invention of cars, walk more.
a) used b) use c) are used d) have used
150- She looked at ……… the mirror to see what the new dress was like.
a) she b) her c) herself d) himself
151- So far today, I……...e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the good news.
a) wrote b) am writing c) have been writing d) have written
152- I’ve decided that I.........for that job as soon as I can.
a) am going to apply b) applying c) am applying d) apply
153- I have an idea: we......all go in one car. That would save us money.
a) have to b) need c) could d) would
154- There are always children near the school, so very carefully.
a) can b) must c) mustn't d) need
155- Survivors of this morning's the city's main hospital.
a) have been taken b) have taken c) took d) have been taking
156-Azza is the ……… student in our class.
a) intelligent b) more intelligent c) less intelligent d) most intelligent
157-My cousin, ……… father is my mother's brother, is three years younger than me.
a) who b) who's c) which d) whose
158-Every year the musician ....... more than a hundred concerts and lectures.
a- makes b- takes c- gives d- plays
159-The plane is .......... the field from the air, to kill harmful herbs.
a- drying b- spoiling c- spelling d- spraying
160-The Judges found it very difficult to .............. a winner.
a- select b- gather c- collect d- modify
161-Luxor is popular Egyptian .............. for many visitors to Egypt.
a- population b- location c- evaluation d- destination
162- After the accident, the man was ....... in his car for two hours, but eventually someone
resaved him
a- grapple b- kidnapped c- trapped d- tricked
163-You won’t win the first prize .............. you train very hard.
a- except b- unless c- however d- If been cold, you would have needed warm clothes.
a-If b-Unless c-Had d-Were
1-c 16 –d 31 -b 46 - a 61 – a 76 – d 91 – a 106 – b 121 – b 136 – c
2 - b 17 - c 32 -d 47 - d 62 – a 77 – c 92 – d 107 – c 122 – c 137 - b
3 - b 18 –c 33 - a 48 - d 63 – a 78 – a 93 – a 108 – d 123 – a 138 – c
4 - d 19–d 34 - a 49 - a 64 - b 79 – c 94 – c 109 – a 124 – b 139 – c
5 – b 20 –c 35 - b 50 - b 65 – a 80– a 95 – d 110 - c 125 – a 140 – c
6 – a 21 -b 36 – c 51 - c 66 – c 81 – b 96 – c 111 - b 126 – d 141 – a
7 –d 22 -d 37 - b 52 – c 67 – d 82 – c 97 – a 112 – c 127 – b 142 – a
8 – b 23 -a 38 - a 53 - b 68 – a 83 – d 98 – d 113 – a 128 – c 143 – d
9 – b 24 -d 39 - c 54 - b 69 – d 84 – a 99 – b 114 – c 129 – d 144 – b
10 - c 25 -a 40 - b 55 – c 70 – b 85 – b 100 – c 115 – b 130 – d 145 – c
11 –a 26 -c 41 - c 56 – d 71 – d 86 – c 101 – a 116 – b 131 – a 146 – d
12–b 27 -b 42 - b 57 – b 72 – b 87 – a 102 – b 117 – a 132 – a 147 – d
13 –a 28 –d 43 – c 58 – a 73 – c 88 – c 103 – a 118 – c 133 – c 148 – b
14 –a 29 -c 44 – a 59 – c 74 – a 89 – a 104 – d 119 – b 134 – d 149 – a
15 –c 30 -b 45 – c 60 – c 75 – b 90 – d 105 – d 120 – d 135 – b 150 – c
160- a 159- d 158- c 157- d 156- d 155 - a 154 - b 153 – c 152 – a 151 – d
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d ( Workbook Lessons )
1 - Surgeons .............. operations on people in hospitals.
a) do b) make c) give d) work
2- My brother has a very difficult decision to ................. next week.
a) make b) play c) give d) do
3- My sister, who works for a charitable organization, believes her work ...... a difference to people's lives.
a) does b) makes c) gives d) scores
4- Everyone ............... mistakes when they're learning something new.
a) gives b) plays c) does d) makes
5- It's been more than 20 years since surgeons.....the first heart transplant operation in Britain.
a) did b) made c) gave d) had
6- There's a factory in our town which ................... parts for cars and buses.
a) does b) scores c) makes d) gives
7-I need to learn English,................... I want to work for an international company.
a) but b) although c) after d) because
8-................... my brother works very hard, he doesn't earn much money.
a) If b) But c) Although d) While
9- I've been trying to contact my sister,................... she isn't answering her phone.
a) if b) although c) but d) while
10 -...................... you need to remember a date, write it in your diary.
a) Although b) While c) If d) But
11-The phone rang ............ I was having a shower.
a) because b) while c) if d) but
12- In the past, people ..................... the earth was flat.
a) thought b) were thinking c) are thinking d) think
13- By the time my father was 18, he ................... at work for two years.
a) has been b) had been c) is d) will be
14- What................ doing when I called?
a) were you b) have you been c) you have been d) you were
15-I didn't see my friend. When I arrived at her house, she ............... out.
a) gone b) had gone c) goes d) is going
16- My sister's really happy. She ................... the school maths prize.
a) is winning b) wins c) has just won d) just won
17- I..................... Europe.
a) have never visited b) never visiting c) have ever visited d) never visits
18- When the boys arrived on the island, they ................ a fire.
a) gave b) did c) put d) made
19- Later, the boys ...................... Ralph as their leader.
a) chose b) did c) scored d) decided
20- Some boys ..................... shelters while others looked for food.
a) built b) did c) gave d) had
21-They tried to think of ways of................... from the island.
a) flying b) getting c) escaping d) disappearing
22- Jack ................ fire to the island to stop Ralph from escaping.
a) made b) set c) brought d) designed
23- This morning, I received an invitation …….... a meeting at my college.
a) for b) to c) from d) of
24- I'm going to borrow a dictionary. ……………one of my friends.
a) from b) to c) of d) at
25- Her grandparents had to work hard...... years before they could afford their own car.
a) of b) for c) from d) to
26- The shirt I am wearing is made ..................... cotton.
a) in b) to c) of d) from
27- Before he retired, my uncle worked ...................... a hospital doctor.
a) like b) as c) such as d) for example
28- We couldn't live without food and water,................?
a) can we b) can't we c) could we d) couldn't we
29- It's very important that we eat healthy food,............................ ?
a) do we b) isn't it c) don't we d) is it
30- Some pesticides are more dangerous than others,.................... ?
a) aren't they b) are they c) isn't it d) don't they
31- We should wash vegetables before we eat them, ...................... ?
a) shall we b) should we c) shouldn't we d) won't we
32- Food grown with chemicals costs less than organic food,................... ?
a) don't they b) does it c) doesn't it d) do they
33- Some children don't like vegetables, .................... ?
a) don't they b) does he c) doesn't he d) do they
34-I love the .................... of the desert.
a) silent b) slice c) silencer d) silence
35- She is very .............. and wants to be a newsreader on TV.
a) ambition b) ambitious c) ambitiously d) ambitiousness
36- It's a traditional song, but its message is very modern. Its words are still......................
a) means b) meaningful c) meaning d) meaningless
37- He's quite a good player, but his ................ in the national team is a surprise.
a) inclusion b) includes c) included d) enclosed
38- William Shakespeare is more famous ............ his plays than his poems.
a) for b) by c) from d) of
39- Nobody knows the real reason for the film's popularity ........... viewers.
a) with b) to c) for d) of
40- Huda loves English, but she's not very good ..................... maths.
a) for b) at c) by d) with
41- When did you find ..................... that you had won the prize?
a) from b) out c) of d) about
42- That little car belongs ......,...,... my uncle.
a) to b) for c) with d) by
43-I play lots of sports, but I'm not very keen ............... watching sport on TV.
a) to b) on c) for d) at
44- When I finish university, I'm going to apply .........,.,.,.,., a job abroad.
a) to b) with c) at d) for
45- In 1918, millions of people all over the world died ............ Spanish flu.
a) of b) for c) at d) with
46- You weren't at school yesterday, so how did you find out............... the homework?
a) with b) about c) from d) of

47-Azza is very interested ............. medicine.
a) in b) to c) of d) for
48- Most school children in Britain ..................... wear a school uniform.
a) need b) have to c) ought d) doesn't need to
49- You .............. spend too much money. You'll want some for your holiday.
a) should b) don't have to c) ought to d) mustn't
50-I really .................... phone Mazen. I promised I'd phone him as soon as I had any news.
a) don't need to b) must c) have to d) don't need to
51- You ..................... take this train. There's another one in ten minutes.
a) don't have to b) mustn't c) have to d) must
52- In the second half, we ............... the other team and won the match 3-2.
a) wore off b) wore down c) wore on d) wore out
53- These shoes are going to .................... soon. I'll have to buy some more.
a) wear off b) wear on c) wear down d) wear out
54- It was hard work and, as the day ........, I became more and more tired.
a) wore on b) wore out c) wore off d) wore down
55- If you take this medicine now, it won't....................... until tomorrow.
a) wear out b) wear on c) wear down d) wear off
56- More than 150 million copies of Michael Crichton's books ................. .
a) have sold b) have been sold c) sold d) selling
57- John Lange was one of the names which ............. by Michael Crichton.
a) uses b) used c) using d) was used
58- Crichton ...................... scientific subjects in his stories.
a) often included b) was often included c) including d) is often including
59-The Andromeda Strain ........................ in 1969.
a) wrote b) was written c is writing d) has written
60- It is a frightening story about ordinary people who ................... diseases from space.
a) were caught b) caught c) were catching d) catching
61-You ................... take the book back to the library yet. You can keep it for another week.
a) mustn't b) don't need to c) should d) shouldn't
1- a 7 - d 13 - b 19 - a 25 - b 31 - c 37-a 43 - b 49 - d 55 - d
2 - a 8 - c 14 - a 20 - a 26 - c 32 - c 38 - a 44 - d 50 - b 56 - b
3 - b 9 - c 15 - b 21 - c 27 - b 33 - d 39 - a 45 - a 51 - a 57 - d
4 - d 10 – c 16 - c 22 - b 28 - c 34 - d 40 - b 46 – b 52 - b 58 - a
5 - a 11 - b 17 - a 23 - b 29 - b 35 - b 41 - b 47 - a 53 - d 59 - b
6 - c 12 - a 18 - d 24 - a 30 - a 36 - b 42 - a 48 - b 54 - a 60 - b
61 - b
3- Choose the correct answer:- ( Student’s book lessons )
62- When I was eight, I………… a programme about a famous Egyptian doctor on television.
a) was seeing b) am seeing c) saw d) have seen
63- Look at this camera. I.................... for my sister yesterday.
a) have bought b) buy c) bought d) am buying
64- He ................... me to look on the internet.
a) tell b) have often told c) often telling d) has often told
65- I'm sure your sister will love the camera .................... her.
a) you buy b) you are buying c) you've bought d) are you buying
66- This year, I................ swimming every day.
a) am going to go b) was going c) had gone d) went
67- Everest is ................. Kilimanjaro.
a) as high b) the highest c) higher than d) highly
68- Challenger Deep is ................. part of all the oceans.
a)deeper b)deep c) the deepest d)deeper than
69- Have Rider Haggard's books always been popular ................ readers?
a) by b) with c) of d) on
70- There's been an increase ................... sales in recent years.
a) about b)on c)at d)in
71- I knew he was famous ........King Solomon’s Mines, but didn't know Rider's other stories.
a) for b)with c)from d)at
72- I'd never heard ............. him at all until last week.
a) of b) from c) at d) in
73- They had four children, but one of them died ... a childhood disease when he was only ten.
a) about b) for c) of d) with
74-I wouldn't go there alone if l............ you.
a) had been b) were c) are d) have been
75- If you leave ice in the sun, it.................... into water very quickly.
a) turning b) turned c) turns d) would turn
76- If it hadn't been so hot, we .................... tennis.
a)will play b)would play c)are playing d)would have played
77- I'll tell Ali you are looking for him if I ..................... him.
a) see b) saw c) had seen d) has seen
78- If you ................ me, I wouldn't have seen the car coming towards me.
a) doesn't warn b) hadn't warned c) don't warn d) didn't warn
79- You ............... be able to climb so quickly if you take oxygen with you.
a) won't b) wouldn't c) might not d) couldn't
80- We ................ get up very early on school days.
a) don't have to b) need to c) have to d) must
81- In some countries, children .......... wear school uniform.
a) mustn't b) don't need to c) have to d) must
82-You ................ drive fast in the city centre. It's very dangerous.
a) must b) don't have to c) mustn't d) don't
83- We ............... give our homework to the teacher until next week.
a) must b) mustn't c) have to d) don't have to
84- If you want to go to Jordan for a holiday, you ........... fly or go by boat.
a) need b) mustn't c) can d) can't
85- We ............... to go to school tomorrow. It's a public holiday.
a) don't have b) couldn't c) need d) mustn't
86- You ............... stay at home on a school day unless you're ill.
a) can b) must c) don't have to d) can't
87- I.............. revise for the English test. It's really important that I pass.
a) need b) must c) don't need to d) mustn't
88- You ................. use your mobile phone while you're driving. It's against the law.
a) don't have to b) needn't c) mustn't d) can't
89- In Britain, you ........ take your driving test until you're 17 years old.
a) can b) must c) can't d) mustn't
90- You .......... wear anything special for the party, but you can if you want.
a) needn't b) mustn't c) can't d) have to
91- My football team ......... two new players for next year.
a) are getting b) get c) got d) were getting

62- c 65 - c 68 - c 71 - a 74 - b 77 - a 80- c 83 - d 86 - d 89 - c
63 - c 66 - a 69 - b 72 - a 75 - c 78 - b 81 - b 84 - c 87 - b 90 - a
64 - d 67 - c 70 - d 73 - c 76 - d 79 - a 82 - c 85 - a 88 - c 91 - a


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