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المواضيع الأخيرة
» Health is wealth
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت مايو 16, 2020 6:51 am من طرف Admin

» اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثاني الثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالثلاثاء نوفمبر 22, 2011 2:54 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة فيزياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 21, 2011 3:41 am من طرف Admin

» احياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن الشربيني
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 21, 2011 3:37 am من طرف Admin

» مراحعة انجليزي 2 ث
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 2:17 am من طرف Admin

» ليلة الامتحان في انجليزي اولى ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 2:02 am من طرف Admin

» مراجعة مستر فاروق لانجليزي تانيه ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:56 am من طرف Admin

» اخياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:23 am من طرف Admin

» اخياء تانيه ثانوي ازهر هدية مستر ايمن
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 18, 2011 1:23 am من طرف Admin

» اضغط الرابط وحمل الباب الاول ف الكيمياء تانيه ث هدية م/ابوملك
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالإثنين نوفمبر 14, 2011 12:48 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة الفيزياء ل الصف الثانى الثانوى الأزهرى
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد نوفمبر 13, 2011 11:49 pm من طرف Admin

» قواعــــــــــــــــــد اللغة الانجليزية من الالف الي الياء
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس نوفمبر 10, 2011 3:51 am من طرف Admin

» رابط راائع لانجليزي اولى ثانوي ا/سيد عيد
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 11:53 am من طرف Admin

» خلاصة انجليزي ا ث هدية العيد من مستر سيد
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 11:30 am من طرف Admin

» مراجعة اول 5 وحدات لاولى ثانوي انجليزي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأربعاء نوفمبر 09, 2011 10:38 am من طرف Admin

» الترم الأول كاملاً.....اهداء لكل الزملاء للطباعة فوراً ksecondary one by mr.AbdalRaz
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة نوفمبر 04, 2011 6:26 pm من طرف Admin

» تحميل مجاني وسريع لالبوم عمرو دياب الجديد
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس سبتمبر 29, 2011 6:54 pm من طرف monna

» اسئلة الباب التاني ف الكيمياء تانية ث مع تحيات د عاطف خليفة
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:56 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرات لاحياء اولى ثانوي هدية من مستر ايمن
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:20 am من طرف Admin

» دليل الاذكياء في الكيمياء لمستر محمد طنطاوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 1:00 am من طرف Admin

» كتاب الماسي ف كيمياء تانية ث
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:58 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرة البيروني في الكيمياء لتانيه ث مع تحيات مستر عبدالله
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:52 am من طرف Admin

» شرح الأبواب من الأول إلى الثامن + الأسئلة في مادة الكيمياء تانيه ث
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:51 am من طرف Admin

» دي بقى ملازم خلاصة الكيمياء
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالأحد سبتمبر 25, 2011 12:48 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرة روعة ف الكيمياء
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 7:27 pm من طرف Admin

» اسطوانة كيمياء متكاملة لطلبة الثانوية العامة
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 7:02 pm من طرف Admin

» [b]اهم اسئلة علي بنية الذرة شاملة كيمياء تانيه ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 6:55 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الثاني كيميا ثانوية عامة فيديو/مفاجآت مستر محمود سلامة
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت سبتمبر 24, 2011 6:49 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة الأيام للصف الثالث الثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:46 am من طرف Admin

» موقع تعليم مجاني للفات والكمبيوتر
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:24 am من طرف Admin

» موقع لقصص تعليمية باللغة الانجليزية
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:19 am من طرف Admin

» 7 مذكرات خلاصة النحو للثانوية العامة
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 13, 2011 2:18 am من طرف Admin

» مذكرات لسادسه ابتدائي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 5:02 pm من طرف Admin

» منهج دراسات سادسه ابتدائي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:48 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة دراسات لمستر عوض للصف السادس
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:39 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة للصف الثالث الاعدادي من مستر علاء
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 4:29 pm من طرف Admin

» مجموعة مراجعات نهائية لتانيه ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 18, 2011 5:06 am من طرف Admin

» روابط مراجعة لغة انجليزيه لتانيه ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت أغسطس 13, 2011 11:19 pm من طرف Admin

» روابط مراجعة لغة انجليزيه لتانيه ثانوي
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت أغسطس 13, 2011 7:16 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة مسيو مدحت رمضان ف اللغة الفرنسيه
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 5:57 pm من طرف Admin

» ملزمتي الخاصة من غير علامة مائية مسيو ياسر نجيب
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 5:15 pm من طرف Admin

» هدية من مستر عبدالله الشربيني لكل محبي اللغات
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:51 pm من طرف Admin

» مجموعة من مذكرات اللغة الانجليزية للصف الالول الثانوي اهداء مستر عبدالله الشربيني
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:48 pm من طرف Admin

» مذكرة تالته اعدادي ف اللغة الانجليزيه هديه للدكتوره أماني
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:45 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الاول ف الكيمياء لتانيه ثانوي من مذكرة المعمل
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 12, 2011 4:23 pm من طرف Admin

» 7 مذكرات انجليزي خرافه+ مذكرة قصه هدية لطلبة تالته ثانوي من مستر عبدالله
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 11, 2011 6:11 pm من طرف Admin

» الباب الاول في الكيمياء لتانيه ثانوي من مذكرة البيروني الرائعه
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالخميس أغسطس 11, 2011 6:06 pm من طرف Admin

» موقع هام لكل معلمي اللغة الانجليزية
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالسبت يوليو 23, 2011 1:46 pm من طرف Admin

» الموقع الوحيد لتنسيق الجامعات للثانوية العامه2011
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» نتيجة امتحان الثانوية العامه 2011
جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني Emptyالجمعة يوليو 15, 2011 12:40 pm من طرف Admin

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مُساهمة  Admin الأربعاء يونيو 01, 2011 12:48 pm

جميع تعليقات قصة قناع من الذهب / مستر عبدالله الشربيني
Ch.1 1- "Calm down, I fold myself. It's all over now. You're safe in Cairo." Leila said this to herself, (p. 3 -line 17)
2-"You must be excited to be going to Peru." Samira to Leila,
3- "Yes, of course I'm excited; I've never been to South America before."Leila said this to Samira. (p.3 line 27)
4- " I haven't really had time to be excited." Leila to Samira.
5-Don't be worried. Everyone always forgets something. The last time I went away,I forgot half my things.(Leila to Samira)
6- "I'm her sister but I'm not at all like her." Leila said this.
7-"You must tell Dr Hafez to take care of you"/"His excavation work is high up in the mountains, isn't it?" Samira to Leila,
8- "They were really tough, those Incas, It's amazing what they did. / 10- " Did you know, they didn't have any writing. And yet they controlled a huge empire Leila to Samira.
9-"Dr Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn't he?"Samira/Lei 10- " The Incas conquered the Chimu, who were famous for their gold and silver work) / 13- "If we discover a king's tomb, it would be wonderful to find some of their work. Only kings and nobles had things made of gold. /14- "Only kings and nobles had things made of gold." Leila to Samira.
11- "I'm taking Dr Hafez a small machine/ 16- "We're hoping to use it in our excavations in Peru." Leila said this to Samira
12-Is that carbon dating? Samira said this to Leila
13- "It uses a small laser to date things."/19-It's the latest technology and all very new."/18-"Well, yes and no. Not many people know about it so yes, is sort of secret"Leila to Samira.
15- "Secrets of an Inca tomb." "That would be a good title for an article." /16- "You must get lots of interesting stories - You know. "Egyptian Archaeologist finds Inca treasures, that sort of thing. I can see the headlines now!" Samira to Leila,
17- " You are going so far away." Samira said this to Leila,
18- "I'm only going for a few weeks." Leila to Dr Hafez.
19- "I'll miss you, big sister." Samira said this to Leila,
20- "I'm not very good at keeping in touch when Pm working." Leila said this to Samira. (p. 5 line 28)
Ch. 2 21- "Was this your first visit to America?"
Martin Lander said this to Leila, (p.6 line 15)
22-well, I only changed planes in New York.i arrived last night. So it can hardly be called a visit. But ,yes, it is.
Leila said this to Martin Lander. (p. 6 line 16)
23- "Are you going to Peru for a holiday?" Martin to Leila,
24- "No, not really. It's a business trip." / 29- " what kind of mining are you doing in Peru?" Leila to Martin Lander.
26- "Oh, there are plenty of copper mines and silver mines already in Peru. " / 31- "I'm looking for places where there are other interesting things to find." Martin to Leila,
27- "Does your work take you all over Peru? " Leila to Martin
29-That's right. I work all over the country. I'm based in the United states, but I spent a few months every year in Peru.
/ 30-Well , I have an American passport, " "But I was born in South Africa.How about you? You said you were going to Peru on business. Can I ask what kind of business? Martin to Leila,
31- "Does this UNESCO programme mean Peruvian archaeologists are working in Egypt? Martin to Leila,
32- "It's an interesting idea, because there are some similarities between the Ancient Egyptians and the ancient peoples of South America." Leila said this to Martin Lander.
33-so you are from Egypt? Martin Lander said this to Leila,
35-yes.I am a research assistant at cairo UniversityLeila to M 36-"What made you take up archaeology?"Martin to Leila,
37- "He was at school with my father."It was so exciting that I decided to follow in his footsteps." Leila said this to Martin
38- "Did you study with him in Cairo?" Martin to Leila,
39-Was it in the valley of the kings? Martin Lander to Leila,
40- "No, // was in the Valley of the Nobles. We worked there together." / 41- "We discovered a tomb which had wonderful paintings of birds and animals on the walls." Leila to Martin
42-Are you hoping to find tombs like that in Peru?Martin /Lei
43- " I saw the man looking through the pocket in the seat in front of me." Leila said this. (p.9 line 7)
44- "Sorry, Did I wake you? I was just looking/or the in-flight magazine." / 45-there is nearly the this thick cloud over Lima. Disappointing,isn't it? Martin Lander said this to Leila
46-yes. But I'm not staying in Lima. Dr. Hafez is meeting me at airport and we're taking a flight to cuzco. Leila to Martin
47- " In that case, I might see you again." Martin /Leila
48- "Did you bring the laser ?" Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
49- "Yes, of course. They asked me about it in Customs."
Leila said this to Dr Hafez. (p. 10 line 28)
50- "Haven't we met before somewhere? " Hafez to Martin
51- "In the Machu Picchu area, wasn't it ? You were doing some archaeological work there ?" Dr Hafez to Martin
52-"No, I'm afraid that wasn't me, I'm a mining engineer." / "Your assistant has been telling me about your work in Egypt." Martin Lander said this to Dr Hafez.
54- "Oh, dear / We'd better hurry." Dr Hafez to Leila,
55- I hope we meet again in Peru  Lander to Dr Hafez/leila.
Ch. 3 56- "yes, it's just as I thought." Dr Hafez to Leila,
57- "Sorry, but I just had to read these latest papers that you brought. These papers show that we are working along the correct lines." Dr Hafez said this to Leila. ..
58-We're digging around a site near Quenco. It's about three hours by car from Cuzco. We now believe there was once a great city there. Dr Hafez said this to Leila. ..
59 "Machu Picchu, the great Inca city that was lost for hundreds of years." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
60- " You've come at a good time, Leila." Dr Hafez to Leila,
61- "Two days ago we found a wall in the city. We think it may be the wall of a tomb " Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
62-"A tomb, what kind of tomb?"  Leila said this to, Dr Hafez
63 \It could be the tomb of a king. Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
64 "There are some marks on the wall. There's also a picture of a llama/65-We're going to break through into the tomb this week/66-It's funny, Isn't it ? Here we are, two Egyptians digging up ancient Inca tombs./ 67-"But our experience in the Valley of the Nobles is really useful. / 68-The Incas and the ancient Egyptians put gold and silver objects beside the bodies of their kings." Dr Hafez to Leila,
69-"So there were some diferances between what the Incas did and what the ancient Egyptians did."  Leila to, Dr Hafez
70-"Yes, of course. And the Incas did something else that the Ancient Egyptians never did." / 71-The Incas killed women and servants and buried them with the king.They were to take care of the king in the next world. Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
72-The Andes, they're beautiful, aren't they. I've never seen mountains like these before.  Leila said this to, Dr Hafez
73-Leila, that man we met at the airport. Mander, was that his name? Dr Hafez said this to Leila
74- Lander . Martine Lander. He said he works for united mining."  Leila said this to, Dr Hafez
75- I am sure I've met him before /"And that's another thing. I don't think United Mining is working in Peru now." Dr Hafez
76- "Maybe it's a different man. Lander said he didn't know you.'  Leila said this to, Dr Hafez (p. 14 line 14)
78- "But you can't be too careful. You didn't tell him anything about our work in Peru, Leila, did you ?" Dr Hafez to Leila,
79-well,I told him a little about it.But not much." Leila/Hafez
80- "There are people who come to Peru and dig up old Inca cities."Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
81-" Don't these collectors know the things are stolen?" Leila
82- "They don't care about the things of the past." Dr Hafez
83- Some do some don't. But most of them don't care. So be careful about what you say and who you speak to."Dr Hafez
84-"Anyway, before we land,I need to talk to you a little about our work and how we are organized./85-I need someone who understands me. Someone I can trust." / 86- That's why I was so keen that you came to Peru." Dr Hafez to Leila,
87- "Are you sure it is a good idea for me to be in charge of a team?" Leila said this to Dr Hafez
88-Of course. Don't worry.It will be all right."Hafez to Leila
89-"You look abit pale, Are you all right?" Dr Hafez to Leila,
90-" Yes, of course. I just don't like landing. Especially in a small plane like this." Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
91- "Amalia, this is Leila El-Assaby. She's flown all the way from Egypt to work with us." Dr Hafez said this to Amalia.
92-Yes, it was fine, but I'm feeling abit tired" Leila to Amalia.
93-"I've got the land rover here.Let me help you with your things."Amalia to Dr Hafez. (Best Wishes, Mr.Abdallah 2011).
Ch.4 94- "I'm Okay, but I'm still pretty tired."Leila to Hafez
95-That will be the altitude. Go and see Amalia. She"s got some headache pills. Take a couple of these and you will soon be all right." / 96- "I have to go into Quenco for a meeting. We're expecting a visit from the local UNESCO representative next week." / 97- "We want to make sure that she gets a good impression of what we're doing here/ 98- "This is an important project for us and for the Peruvian government. And it is the first time there has been this kind of exchange." / 99- "But if we don't find something important before then, they may not want to support us next year."Dr Hafez to Leila,
100-"What do you want me to while you are in Quinco?"
Amalia said this to Dr Hafez.
101- "Amalia will show you around the site and tell you what we have done." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
102- "I'd really like to know how far you've got with the excavation" / 103- "I did some work on the Incas when I was studying at the Italian Institute of Archaeology.Leila to Amali
104-"Oh yes, I suppose that's why you're here in Peru" Amalia
105- Of course I'm happy to be working with Dr Hafez." /
106- "But don't get the wrong idea; I'm here because I'm an experienced archaeologist." Leila said this to Amalia.
107-" Yes of course. Where did you work with him before?
Amalia said this to Leila, (p. 19 line 20)
108-"We excavated the tomb of Sennofer together"Leila/Am
109-"Oh yes. yes ihave .So you worked on Sennofer's tomb?
110-"We think that we may have found a tomb of a Chimo king/11-The Incas conquered the Chimu but they allowed their kings to rule if they were loyal to Incas."Amalia to Leila,
112- "We think it's a kind of entrance hall. Perhaps if is where the priests carried their rituals ." Amalia said this to Leila,
113- So you think the tomb is behind the wall." Leila to Amalia
114-" Yes, we think so. But we won't know until we make a hole in the wall and see what lies behind it."Amalia to Leila,
115- " It looks like Ramon has found something interesting. Let's have a look." Amalia said this to Leila,
116- "It's a good figure of a child" The priests scarified children to please the gods." Ramon said this to Amalia.
117- "A person's life did not have much value for the Incas."
Ramon said this to Leila. . (P-2! line 32)
118-"He makes a note of everything we find."Amalia to Leila,
119- " Of course, everything we find stays in Peru. It belongs to the Peruvian people. You know there are thieves here who try to rob our tombs." Amalia said this to Leila
120- I know. We've had the same problem in Egypt since the time of the Pharaohs." Leila said this to Amalia.
121- "Beautiful. So interesting and so sad."There may be wonderful things inside this tomb."When are you going to open it?" Pablo said this to Amalia.
122-"Very soon, In the next few days. Then we will find out for sure./"Pablo , et me introduce Laila El-Assaby. Amalia 123-"Do you know much about the Incas? Pablo to Leila,
124- "Not as much as you. I'm sure. But I read quite a lot about Peru before I came here." Leila said this to Pablo.
125- I hope you have learned what the Inca culture means to the people of Peru today./"the Incas were a great civilization…… Pablo said this to Leila, (p. 22 line 28)
126- "We allow foreigners to come here and excavate our ancient cities." Pablo said this to Leila,
127- "We have to be careful, because there are many robbers who come here to steal our culture and sell it to rich collectors" Pablo said this to Leila. (P:23 line 5)
128- " I've just met you and already I'm making a speech,"
Pablo said this to Leila, (p-23 line 9)
129- "No, you're quite right. We must not let anything/all into the hands of thieves." Leila said this to Pablo.
130- "We haven't found treasure-yet. But this has been an amazing day!" Leila said this to Samira.
31-"Go as far as you can.Tell us what you see. Hafez /RamoN
132- "I'm at the bottom of the cave. It's really quite deep. I can see some bones and some bits of pottery." Ramon
133- "Are the bones animal bones or human bones?"
Dr Hafez said this to Ramon134- " We can't do any more today. We 'II get all our equipment ready to start our
exploration of the tomb tomorrow." Dr Hafez to his team
Ch. 5 135- "Hello, Leila. No, I'm having problems with my computer." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
136- "Aren't we going to explore the tomb?" Leila to Hafez.
137- "Of course we are.We 'II start the day after tomorrow. But I need to get my computer fixed." Dr Hafez to Leila,
138- "There is one thing I wanted to ask your advice about."
139- "She isn't very friendly towards me."Leila to Dr Hafez,
140-Why? What's the matter Leila?Don't you like Amalia?"
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p. 2 6 line 22)
141- "I don't think she likes me much." Leila to Dr Hafez.
142- " Don't be silly. You two are about the same age. You're both archaeologists. You should befriends."Dr Hafez to Leila,
143- "I know . You are right. Maybe because I'm your assistant.Or maybe it's because she's in my team.There was no one in charge until I arrived." Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
144- "You'll get along better when you start working with her properly." /145- "You can take a look around the town while Pm busy." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
146- "If was half past eleven. I had time for a drink if could find a cafe." Leila said this
147- "Dr Hafez Quick! Come with me. I have to show you something," / 148- "Amalia Guzman and the man from the mining company / 149- Martin Lander. / think that they were sitting at that table. They were talking / 150- "You remember what you told me about Lander?" Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
151- " I did. But are you sure it was the same man? If it was Lander, it would be a bit strange, I agree."Dr Hafez to Leila,
152- " ! don't think you should be so suspicious, Leila, you do worry, don't you?" Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
153-lllook I know you don't like Amalia very much. And maybe she doesn't like you. I'll have a word with her about that. But you must try to work with her. Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
154-" I've my computer fixed and seen UNESCO people." Dr Hafez/ Leila 155- "PERU : United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. There are no plans to survey or mine in Peru at the present time." This was the message Leila read on the computer when she called up the United Mining webs site.
Ch.6 156- "He might have been killed"
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, Amalia and the rest of the team
157- But the skull could have been broken by falling rocks, couldn't it ? " Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
158- "We must keep both possibilities in mind until we have proof that one is correct." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
159-It could be a nobleman or an important official. But we need to find more proof. If we can find a gold mask, then we would be sure it was a king. But the first thing to do is to date this cloth. Dr Hafez to Leila,
160-"What have you got there?" Pablo said this to Dr Hafez.
161-"This is what Leila brought from Cairo " Hafez to Pablo.
162- "It's the latest way of dating cloth. This machine gives out a laser beam and the date of the cloth is shown here on this dial ." Dr Hafez said this to Pablo
163- "Right in the middle of the Inca period. Well, that's a good start." Pablo said this to Dr Hafez.
164- "It's hard work in the tomb, isn't it? Still I'm sure we 'II find something definite." Amalia said this to Leila,
165- "Do you think it might be a royal tomb?"
Leila said this to Amalia. (p. 33 line 13)
166-"I know Doctor Hafez is hoping it's a royal tomb, but until we find something definite soon. Something that will tell us if it is the tomb of a king or not." Amalia said this to Leila,
167- We have only got a short time before the UNESCO inspection." Amalia said this to Leila,
168- You remember when we were in Quenco the other day?"
Leila said this to Amalia. 169- I thought I recognized the man you were talking to." Leila to Amalia.
170- What a coincidence. The world is a small place."
Amalia said this to Leila,
171- "Come on. It's time to stop working. You've done enough for the day." Dr Hafez said this to Leila
172- "I think I've found something." Leila to Dr Hafez.
173- "Your big sister is in the news! She's found something important." Leila said this to Samira.
174- "It's a llama. The Incas used llamas like we used camels." Dr Hafez said this to Leila
175- "They hadn't invented the wheel so everything was carried on the backs of llamas." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
176- "Does it mean that this is the tomb of a king?"
Amalia said this to Dr Hafez. (p. 36 line 7)
177- "It means that it's the tomb of somebody important."
Dr Hafez said this to Amalia. (p. 3 6 line Cool
178- "We need to find a gold mask to be absolutely sure."
Amalia said this to Dr Hafez. (p. 36 line 12)
179-" Yes youy are right. Of course we need to find a gold mask to be sure it's a tomb of a king. /But this is still a great discovery. Well done Leila." Dr Hafez said this to Amalia/Leila. (p. 36 line 14)
Ch. 7 180- "What are you doing here " Martin to Leila
181-"I –I saw a light. I thought there was someone in the cave. I came to see what was happening. Leila to Martin
182- "So we meet again, Miss El-Assaby ."Martin to Leila,
183- "So you're not a mining engineer. You're just here to steal things that other people have found. You're a thief."
Leila said this to Martin Lander. (P39 line 22)
184- " You are partly right. I was a mining engineer .But I became more interested in other things .You can call me a thief if you like."/"But I'm more of a collector. I appreciate fine things" Martin Lander said this to Leila,
186- " You can't .it's wrong. You are stealing. This is an important excavation both for Peru and for the world.
Everything we find here should go to a museum so that people can see it." Leila said this to Martin Lander. (p. 39 line 28)
187- " You may be right. But I'm sure you will find plenty more things. You are not going to miss a few little artifacts. They are extremely rare and very valuable , I am sure there is one here."Martin Lander said this to Leila, (p. 39 line 33)
188- " You have disturbed my work, but no matter. I must go now."Martin Lander said this to Leila, (p. 40 line 1)
189- " I hope you will spend a pleasant night in the company of a great king " Martin Lander said this to Leila,
190- " I ! was in complete darkness. It was not a nice feeling. There was no light and no sound." Leila said this.
191- "I'm down here." Leila said this when she heard someone opening the door to the cave. (p.40line25)
192- "I'm so glad you are here " Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
193-"But, how did he find this place so easily?' Hafez to Leila
194- "He must have asked in Cuzco or in Quenco."
Ramon said this to Dr Hafez. (p.41 line 1)
195-"Quenco! That was it. It was Lander who was talking to Amalia. Could she have told him?"  Leila, to herself.
196- "It couldn't be Amalia. She wouldn't do anything like that." Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p.41 line 6)
197- But I saw her in Quenco talking to him " Leila to Hafez.
198- " it may have been Lander.But that doesn't mean she told him about our excavation." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
199- " I'II speak to Amalia now. We must find the truth?" And we must find Lander and the artifacts he took from the cave."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p.41 line 14)
200-" Come and get a hot drink. You must be very tired.
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p.41 line 22)
201- ".They think that Lander may be already out of the country.They will call the Immigration Department of the airport but they think it may already be too late. "
Ramon said this to Dr Hafez and Leila, (p-41 line 30}
202- " She says she has known Lander for a long time……...It was strange. She seemed unhappy about something. There was something she didn't want to talk about ."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p. 43 line 6)
203- "I think I believe her. / I don't believe she told Lander anything." Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p. 43 line 9)
204- " I think I've found something interesting Leila /Ramon
205"It's a king's mask. It like the face of the sun.Hafez /Leila
206- " I'll put it in the safe." Pablo to Dr Hafez and the rest of the team 207- "We don't want another visit from Mr Lander."
Pablo said this to Dr Hafez and the rest of the team.
Ch. 8 208- Someone opened the safe with a key.the thief may got into the hut through that window." Dr Hafez to Leila,
209- "But how could anyone get the key ? Have you spoken to Pablo?" Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
210- "He's in Quenco today. He's on a meeting with
UNESCO people." / 211- "This will be really bad news for him."
212- "The UNESCO people will not be happy when they hear about this / 213- "I'm afraid that the police wish to take everyone fingerprints, They want to see whose fingerprints are on the safe." / 214- "The police chief wants to talk to you. Come to my office." / 215- "I am very shocked and upset .The police have not found the gold mask but they found this among your work clothes." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
216- "I didn't steel it.I've never seen it before." Leila / Hafez. 217- "But I'm afraid you'll have to go with the police now."
218- "It can't be Lander. Someone else must have done it."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p.45 line Cool
219- "Why had I come to this country?" Leila to herself,
220-"Oh, liela, I'm sorry for what has happened. You must forgive me." Amalia said this to Leila, (p'45 line 24)
221- " Forgive you for what?" Leila said this to Amalia.
222- "Forgive me because it is my fault that you are here."
223- I couldn't stand It any more."/By chance, after you found the gold mask, I found the little gold rabbit / 225- "It was a stupid thing to do but when you are angry and jealous, you don't think." / 226- "I have explained everything to the police. You're free to go." Amalia said this to Leila
227-"Have you any idea who stole the mask of Gold."
Leila said this to Amalia. (p-46 line 9)
228-"But I have an idea where Lander may be. And the two may be connected."/ 229- "There is another excavation taking place there."/The problem in this country is communications." /231-" I'll call him on my mobile." Amalia said this to Leila,
232-"We think he will be at the excavation site near Acomayo. There may just be time to catch him ....." Amalia to Dr Hafez.
Ch.9 233- "We've had an accident. We must get help ."
Leila said this to Amalia. (p-49 line 18)
234- " I must have broken something. My leg. If really hurts."
235- "You must save yourself .Leave me here.Try to get help, but it may be too late." / 236- "There are so few people in the mountains. It may take days before some one finds us."/ 237- "I must tell you about Martin, In case you get back too late to help me/ 238-"When you saw me in Quenco talking to him, you probably thought I was working with him/ 239- "It was very hard. And all because of him."/ 240-"That's why I wanted to come with you to try to catch him." / 241- "When I learned that the police had arrested you, I realized I had done wrong. I realized what my duty was." Amalia said this to Leila,
242- "I'm so sorry I thought badly of you." Leila to Amalia.
243- "I promise I'll do everything I can to catch that man ."
245' "I've found some help . I said, These people will help us."
Leila said this to Amalia. (p. 5 3 line 4)
246- "I need a doctor urgently. My friend was in a car crash. She's injured - badly," Leila said this to the woman assistant,
247-"A helicopter is coming to get your friend"assistant /Leila,
248- "She needs a hospital quickly . The doctor to Leila.
249- "It's a matter of life and death.The woman doctor /Leila
250- "I was suspicious of Pablo. You know he went to Quenco to see the UNESCO people/.I decided to go and find him there." / 251-He told me he was tired and excited the day we found the gold mask and left the keys in the hut by mistake./Someone must have climbed through the opend window and opend the safe with the key. / 252-I didn't know whether to believe him or not,I told him that I trusted him. I told him that all our work together depends on the support of the UNESCO / 253-If the gold musk was lost or stolen,the project might come to an end / 254-" He said nothing. He stood there in front of me in silence. I didn't know what to do or what to say. And then I had an idea. / 255- I told him that the police had caught Martin Lander."/ 256- " But then he told me that he had worked with Lander before.And he had met Lander in Quenco. It was the day when you saw Amalia talking to Lander in the square." ( Dr Hafez said this to Leila,)
257-" It was the day when you saw Amalia talking to Lander in the square. Lander had offered him a lot of money for the gold mask. Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
258- "Let's set a trap." /"let Pablo meet Lander. We will fellow him and catch Lander. Leila said this to Dr Hafez.
259- "That sounds too dangerous. Let's call the police."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila.
260- "There isn't time to call the police."
Leila said this to Dr Hafez. (p. 55 line 29)
261- "I promised Amalia. I've got to do if for her sake."
Leila said this to Dr Hafez, (p. 55 line 30)
Ch.10 262- "We have to stop him now."
Ramon said this to Dr Hafez and Leila, (p. 56 line 16)
263- "He must have hit his head against the roof of the plane." Ramon said this to Leila,
264- "Don't worry now . I've called the police."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p58 line 10)
265- "I think that is the end of Mr Lander's archaeological career." Dr Hafez said this to Leila (p. 5 8 line 15)
266-" We will question Mr Lander first,We will let you know what we find out. The police chief said this to Dr Hafez.
267- "We have found the gold mask and the other things Mr Lander had stolen" The police chief said this to Dr Hafez.
268- Thank goodness. Now the project can continue."
Dr Hafez said this himself/Leila, (p. 58 line 14)
269-"I'd like to go back to the village on the road to acomayo.
Leila said this to Dr Hafez. (p. 59 line 1)
270" That's good idea. I'll ask Ramon to take us. I hope the weather is better than when you went with Amalia. Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
271- " Let's walk along the road a little." Leila to Dr Hafez.
272- "I want to show you something." Leila to Dr Hafez
273- "You're not going to show me two strangers sitting at a cafe, are you ? Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
274- "It looks like the pattern of stone blocks at the Chimu king's tomb."Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
275- " I sent a team to the village near Acomayo and they think it really is an Inca site." Dr Hafez said this to Leila,
276- "I want her to lead the team excavating the new site ."
Dr Hafez said this to Leila, (p. 59 line 24)
277- That's great news ! She 7/ be so pleased."Leila to Dr
278- "Please ! Miss El-Assaby ." Photographers at the airport
With My Best Wishes , Mr.Abdallah El.Shirbiny


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